sábado, 19 de setembro de 2015


More practical, quick and easy no, this dish gives yields enough for about 6 people.

Today I got a tasty recipe for Creamy Macaroni oven. Very easy, but very tasty. Hope you like. If you would like to share with other friends. Kiss on the heart. God be with you.


* 1 noodle package / nest No. 2 (the finest)
* 1 cup cream cheese
* 1 can tomato sauce ready
* 150g. chopped ham into thin strips
* 150g. mozzarella grated or sliced into thin strips
* 2 chicken bouillon cubes
* 1 liter of water
* Salt to taste

Way of doing:
Bring the water, salt and chicken cubes to a boil. Meanwhile place the tomato sauce in an ovenproof baking dish, then arrange the nests and in the center of each place the curd to fill the entire hole. Then place the ham and mozzarella on top.

Throw boiling water over this arrangement and put in the furnace (220 ° C / 428 ° F) for 25 minutes approximately.

Remove from oven and let cool for a few minutes before serving (this will give more creaminess to the sauce).

Serve at once.

# The oven time should be respected, as well as its temperature, as this will keep the pasta 'al dente'.

Tasty recipe in? I hope qeu like. Stay with God

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